What to Know When Buying Ceiling Lighting Fixtures
Any room in the home isn’t complete without a proper ceiling lighting fixture. Whether it’s a bedroom, bathroom vanity light, front hall, or kitchen, there are some fundamental questions to answer before purchasing a new light fixture. Before visiting any online lighting store in Toronto, you should know the following criteria to make your search that much easier. Here are a few things you should know when buying ceiling lighting fixtures.
1. Where do you need the light to shine?
Before answering this question, you should probably know which room in your home the light fixture is for. That’s because the way the light shines can differ from room to room. In the kitchen, you may be looking for an overhead light to illuminate the entire space, hanging lights over your island for targeted lighting, specific lighting that illuminates the counter for cooking, and of course, a more prominent light fixture or chandelier over the kitchen table. Knowing where you want the light to shine can help determine the type of light fixture you get.
2. How tall is your ceiling?
Again, depending on the room and its ceiling height, you can determine the type of ceiling light fixture you get. For front halls with high ceilings, you may opt for long, vertical-shaped chandeliers. Whereas for spaces like a dining room with shorter ceilings, a horizontal chandelier may be preferred. At our online lighting store in Toronto, we have many options to choose from, along with adjustable chandelier heights.
3. Is the fixture to scale with the room?
There’s nothing worse than having a large room with a small light fixture or a small room with too big a light fixture. Choosing a ceiling light fixture that’s scaled with the room can create the perfect balance. Not to mention selecting a style and shape that matches appropriately.
4. How bright do you want your lights?
In any room in the home, there are usually a variety of various light outlets. For example, a kitchen can have ceiling pot lights, a chandelier, hanging pendant lights and more. There are different brightness levels and types of light to create the perfect ambiance and balance for each room. Ceiling lights are usually the brightest, with chandeliers offering a well-lit area but not as white as your ceiling lights and a softer ambiance for your pendant lights.
Siga Home Comfort Your Number Online Lighting Store in Toronto
For ceiling light fixtures, pendant lights, beautiful chandeliers and more, Siga Home Comfort has various options to choose from. But before deciding on a light fixture, make sure to ask yourself these questions to know exactly what you want before going in. With various light fixtures combinations in the home, Siga Home Comfort can help you create the perfect ambience. Want to learn more? Visit Siga Home Comfort’s online lighting store in Toronto.